I am Valentino, a portuguese Electrical and Computer Engineering student and researcher, but also a Maker, and artist.
Check out some of my projects, hobbies, and skills.

As  you are about to find out, my interests are many, covering many areas. I like to build new things, to see if I don´t fall in the trap of Half-Knowledge.
Lately, I have been playing a lot with RF and designing some cool boards!

INTERESTS  & Capabilities


Antennas, SDRs, Receptions of satellite data with homebuilt dishes, are only some of my current interests.

Hardware Design

Design, Simulation and building of hardware boards for microcontrollers, RF and mixed signal in FR4 and some exotic substrates, like Rogers. Development of the necessary code to put things running!

Science in it´s own

I always like to know and test things and they were discovered and invented. I love physics, and even won a honorable mention with my radio telescope in the main National Competition for young scientists.

Contact me:

In case you need to contact me, I provide here my email:
valentinocarneirogoncalves /at/ gmail /dot/ com 

Also, here are some of my accounts in other websites: